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Fireman's Pancake Breakfast

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By admin - Posted on 21 June 2010

On the 20th of June 2010, The Fathers Day Pancake Breakfast was again put on by the White Sulphur Springs Volunteer Fire Department and The Meagher County Fire Department. The pancake breakfast is the main source of revenue the firemen use to purchase fireworks for the 4th of July exhibition. The fireworks for this year’s 4th of July display have already been ordered and while you are enjoying 4th of July show, volunteer firemen will walk around with a fire boot to place donations in,  so you can help contribute to offset the cost of the fireworks.
This past weekend was a busy one for some of the fire personnel. A scheduling problem had us putting on a two day fire training while we were also putting on the Father’s Day Breakfast. But as usual when faced with challenges, they persevered, and both events went off without a hitch.
Otto Ohlson and Mike Wofford were the Father’s Day Breakfast organizers who planned and purchased all the required needs for the breakfast. Fire personnel began arriving at the Elementary School before 06:00 am to get things rolling. The volunteer crews divide up the duties that include being in charge of the pancakes, some the sausage and bacon, some the eggs and others the dish washing. Another volunteer is in charge of greeting and collecting the money, and someone also has to keep the toast and the coffee going. Still others will collect the orders and prepare the plates to be delivered to the costumers.
The fire department has been doing this breakfast as far back as anyone can remember, and it has always been held on Father’s Day. This year it appears there is a grass roots movement in the ranks to change the breakfast to Mothers Day. Rumor has it that some of the volunteers (being Fathers themselves) found it just wrong that they were serving breakfast to their kids on Father’s Day. The Fire Departments now are lucky enough to have several women volunteers, but the majority of the Departments are still men. It was offered that in the beginning it was probably easier to explain to the wife they were going to be away from the family on Father’s Day.  The Father’s Day Fish Derby nets us donations as some of the fishermen come to the breakfast before heading out. Whatever the argument, it doesn’t seem to matter, it appears they are going to try and put it up for a vote at the fire meeting tonight.
For those who came and donated to the fireworks, the Volunteers thank you, to the rest we all hope you had a great weekend.
What a great bunch of volunteers and residents we have in this community. Fire volunteers come out anytime they are called, whether it is at 03:30 in the morning and 20 degrees below zero, or on that clear blue sky day that was going to be spent on the golf course or taking the kids and family away for the day. Whether it is a house fire, grass fire or vehicle accident, our volunteers give unselfishly of their time, to be able to help their neighbors.

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